CAT5E U/UTP Network Cable (Solid Copper, 0.45mm) Stable electrical performance, compliant with ANSI/TIA-568.2-D, IEC61156, ISO/IEC11801. Sheath with strong mechanical properties, and high tensile and compressive strength, reducing damage during the project. Excellent performance in the Fluke 80-meter permanent link test while working continuously at 50°C high temperature. Excellent performance in the Fluke 90-meter channel test. Solid-Bare Copper conductor with less resistance, and better electrical properties and transmission performance. Compliant with RoHS 2.0. 305 米/箱 CAT5E UTP 網路電纜(實心銅纜,0.45 毫米) 電氣性能穩定,符合ANSI/TIA-568.2-D、IEC61156、ISO/IEC11801標準。 護套機械性質強,抗拉、抗壓強度高,減少工程過程中的損壞。 在福祿克 80 公尺永久連結測試中,在 50°C 高溫下連續工作時,表現出色。 在福祿克90公尺通道測試中表現出色。 實心裸銅導體,電阻更小,電氣性能和傳輸性能更好。 符合 RoHS 2.0 標準。 👇 以下單價庫存僅供參考,最終售價及庫存量以門市為準 👇 以下售價為澳門元(MOP)



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