HIKVISION MACAU DS-2AE5225TI-A 5-inch 2 MP 25X Powered by DarkFighter IR Analog Speed Dome 25X PTZ 同軸高清高速球 5-inch 2 MP 25X Powered by DarkFighter IR Analog Speed Dome Lens: 4.8 ~120 mm High quality imaging with 2 MP resolution Excellent low-light performance via powered-by-DarkFighter technology Clear imaging against strong back lighting due to 120 dB WDR technology Pan and tilt ability enables camera to monitor zones of interest 25x optical zoom allows for closer viewing of subjects in expansive areas Up to 150m IR range ensures safety at night Water and dust resistant (IP66) Switchable TVI/AHD/CVI/CVBS video output, (NTSC or PAL composite, BNC) ✅ 支援 HIKVISION 國際版 及 第三方品牌同軸高清 DVR/XVR 📌 產品以實物及廠家最新公佈為準, 如有修改, 恕不另行通知, 敬請留意! 👇 以下單價庫存僅供參考,最終售價及庫存量以門市為準 👇 以下售價為澳門元(MOP)



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