DS-UAC-S1 Wireless Conference Speakerphone Adopts 8-mic array, picking up 360° clear sound with 5 meters range Adopts the HD speaker Supports steady and transient smart noise reduction, echo and squeal suppression, anti-reverberation to enhance speech quality and offer audio in high quality The built-in 7.2 V/3700 mAh lithium battery supports the device to last 10 hours after a full charge. Supports wireless connection through Bluetooth and a USB dongle Supports wired connection through a USB cable Driver-free design enables plug-and-play Compatible with leading online conferencing platform ✅ 支援 USB 介面即插即用及藍牙連接; ✅ 支援 市面上大部份會議系統; 📌 產品以實物及廠家最新公佈為準, 如有修改, 恕不另行通知, 敬請留意! 👇 以下單價庫存僅供參考,最終售價及庫存量以門市為準 👇 以下售價為澳門元(MOP)



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